Hey Alex. I’m not avoiding you just trying to manage a move and COVID quarantine at the same time. Not exactly easy.
In any case, you bring up some good points. There are any number of ways to look at the various faiths and debate their merits and shortcomings. I always come back to a simple outlook though.
I believe God exists. God made us in his image. God therefore loves us and wants us to reach out to him. He sent Jesus to show the way to live in accordance with God’s wishes and what Jesus showed us was love, forgiveness and less harsh judgement.
You mentioned Pliny the Elder and, being a beer nerd, I immediately thought of Pliny the Elder IPA from Russian River Brewing. Now if we could sit down with a growler of that brew there is no telling where the discussion would go.
I have always found it interesting that Christianity, Islam and Judaism all worship the same God but differ in their recognition and importance of who Jesus was. Within each of those three, further factions/denominations exist due to differences of opinion and interpretations on all manner of subjects and teachings.
I prefer to keep it simple. I suppose because I am a simple person. Or maybe because Jesus said that it is those with the faith of children that will find the Kingdom of God.